Thursday, August 28, 2014


I'm back in Georgia, and my best friend has to go into the hospital.  :(  I'm not happy at all about this, she's had to have surgery before for the problem that she's in the hospital for now.  It's dangerous and I am scared for her.
I finally got a bank account opened down here so I can just deposit the child support checks that my kiddos dad sends every month.  I called The VA to get my direct deposit changed from the bank I had been using to this new one.......(I believe this is the start of the newest problem that has prompted me to write this blog).

I called the VA.  To speak to someone regarding direct deposit, it would seem you don't have to schedule a call back appointment, I got someone right away.  I began my spiel about my name is this and you have that on file, yaddayaddayadda.  He says that yes, he can see that, but he takes my new bank information and says that my September 1st payment will go to my new bank.  Well, turns out that September 1st, is a federal holiday.  Labor day!  Lets celebrate, and I get paid on Friday the 29th.... Ooops, getting a little ahead of myself, let me get back on track.  On the 16th of August, Jennifer Sullivan receives a letter from the VA.  I know that the letter is mine, so it's not tampering with mail, etc. nothing illegal going on.  I open it, and my heart drops to my stomach.  Tears start welling up in my eyes and the stress multiplies.  This letter states that the Social Security Administration has notified the VA that MY SSN does not match what they have on file for Jennifer R. Sullivan, and I need to send proof that MY SSN is indeed Jennifer R. Sullivan's SSN.  Well, here is the WHOLE PROBLEM!  MY SSN IS NOT JENNIFER R. SULLIVAN'S SSN!  With my heart in my stomach and tears in my eyes, I schedule my phone call for the next Tuesday because I have to work on Monday.  I know this is going to now affect my pay AGAIN!  I waited for my phone call, quite impatiently I might say.  I was talking to my mom about getting a lawyer to sue them if this messed my pay up.  I spoke to a man (yes I got his name) and I apologized in advance for any crying or yelling that may happen.  He said he wanted to read up on my case first.  I could hear him shake his head as he "hmmmnd and  nnnt nnt nnt'd".  I stated my worries, and he said first off, that the birthdate is correct.  Finally, some progress, and yes, my pay is supposed to go to my new bank, and he's going to print this off and see if his supervisor can make a call to the regional office.....He can't help me "at his level" other than this. 

Today is the 29th of August.  I've been FREAKING out over this pay period.  As a rule, with my other bank, I got my disability compensation a week early.  I realize this is a new bank and I need to wait until today.  I checked my bank account after 5 p.m. last night because the funds should have been deposited before today... Nothing... I've checked my bank account at 1 a.m., after midnight, because the funds should have been deposited by now...Nothing....I called the VA to schedule my phone call appointment to find out what's going on, luckily, if by the time they call me at 10:15, my money has made it to my account, I will simply be able to ask for an update on my name issue and my daughter issue.  If not, I will be updating with another post to this blog and links to it sending it to my friends and asking their help to make this go as viral as possible because I'm VERY tired of being screwed by the VA when I worked my ass off for those 8 years that I served, and 1 person's fuck up has screwed me for too long!  Hopefully now I can get some sleep.  I have a kiddo to get ready for school in the morning.

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