Thursday, August 28, 2014

Part 2 Georgia on my mind....

I moved to Georgia around the end of April.  I promptly called the VA to notify them that I had moved, and I had faxed the paperwork necessary to add my daughter back onto my case.  I scheduled my call back appointment like the nice lady said to do.  I waited by the phone for my call, and low and behold, it rang!  Wow, this is awesome, they call me!  I make one phone call, push some buttons, and they call me!!!  I love this!  So I speak to a man (I got his name) and I tell him, the situation.  My name is this, although, there's a problem with it in the system, so it's under that....  He looks, and says "I see where the notes were made, but I don't see an inquiry"  I'll forward this to the regional office, but there's nothing I can do about it at my level except to actually get the inquiry going"  Like I said, I got HIS name.  I even got the date of the phone call, and the inquiry number!  Go me, I'm tired of being screwed like this, I need numbers and names for possible future calls regarding this, because apparently the problem isn't going away!! He says to check back in a month or so and see where we stand.  I receive a couple of letters telling me that the VA is happy to work on my case, but that there is a heavy back log and it may take up to 11 months.  These letters are addressed to Jennifer R. Sullivan.  I do not answer to Jennifer.... ANYONE who knows me knows this... Jennifer is not my name, I was born JENNY LEE, not JENNIFER! 

So, I'm with the kiddo out in Washington because her dad has leave and he wants to see his girl.  Washington is roughly halfway between Georgia and Alaska, so we're out there.  I have a few minutes free one day so the night before I schedule a phone call appointment, and heehee, my phone rings.... Boy do I love that appointment scheduled phone call!  I answer the phone, and speak to someone ( no name, I don't need it, I just want a status update).  he says that everything is processing, both the paperwork to put my kiddo back on my case, and the inquiry for my name issue!  Great, thanks.  We enjoy our trip to Washington and fly back to GA.

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